SPS Meeting | SIG CANoP | June 2023
Thursday, 29. June 2023
09.00 - 18.30
University of Fribourg PER21
Auditorium A120
Bvd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Third Meeting SIG CANoP
The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience of Pain (CANoP) SIG of the Swiss Pain Society aims to:
- Stimulate scientific exchange among researcher in Switzerland who study cognitive or affective aspects of pain;
- Promote a scientific network and collaborative initiatives;
- Enhance the visibility of the different groups and obtain an overview of current research in this field in Switzerland.
We welcome students, clinicians and researchers from any related field.
Register until June 15th, 2023
via https://forms.gle/wKDH2kwwUHKpeE827
Scientific committee
Prof. Dr. C. Martin Sölch; Prof. Dr. P. Schweinhardt, Prof. Dr. C. Berna Renella
Poster Abstract Submission
Recognition of the SPS:
SPS awards for this event 5 continuing education credits for the preservation of the title «SPS pain specialist».