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Pain visualized?
«The picture on the left shows the constant restlessness in my body. If I had my peace, it would calm down and with it the pain.»
A.F.* Pain patient at Inselspital Bern
Dolografie – The visual communication aid for pain therapy
Pain visualized?
«This is the pain in the back: a pulling pain that radiates from the neck to the coccyx.»
S.G.* Pain patient at Inselspital Bern
Dolografie – The visual communication aid for pain therapy
Pain visualized?
«A dull, diffuse pain under the forehead that radiates slightly upwards.»
M.R.* Pain patient at Inselspital Bern
Dolografie – The visual communication aid for pain therapy
Pain visualized?
«This picture here shows the body feeling I would like to have: Harmonious and balanced.»
A.F.* Pain patient at Inselspital Bern
Dolografie – The visual communication aid for pain therapy
The Swiss Pain Society (SPS), as the national representative of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), welcomes you to our website. We appreciate your interest.