SIG Pain Nurses

Statement of Intent:

In the daily routine of a nursing clinic, the care and counseling of people suffering from pain is multifaceted and demanding. Nurses make an important contribution in the interdisciplinary team to the assessment of the pain situation and in the treatment and education of affected people. The interdisciplinary exchange and consultation situations require a high level of social competence and sound, evidence-based expertise.

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Pain Nurses consists of nurses who work together in an interdisciplinary setting with physicians and therapists from a wide range of disciplines and who are committed to providing the best possible pain treatment for affected people in their everyday care.

The SIG Pain Nurses sees itself as a point of contact for specialists who are committed to meeting the challenges of everyday clinical care in a nursing and advisory capacity.

The goals of the «SIG Pain Nurses»

  • To provide networking support to nursing professionals involved in the care, counseling and treatment of people with acute and chronic pain.
  • To provide a platform for professional exchange in an interdisciplinary setting.
  • Organize target group-oriented continuing education on current topics in pain management, based on evidence-based knowledge.
  • Supporting the further development of the role of “Pain Nurse” in everyday clinical practice and strengthening the profession of Pain Nurse.

The Pain Nurses SIG is open to all interested and committed nurses. In an open and integrative exchange between the professional groups involved, we promote mutual understanding in dealing with pain patients and further develop ourselves in the professional field.

Astrid Burtscher
Pain Nurse, dipl. Expertin Anästhesiepflege HF

MAS Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
Spital Schwyz
Waldeggstrasse 10
6430 Schwyz


Antje Bachmann
Fachexpertin Pflege

MAS Interprofessionelles Schmerzmanagement
UniSpital Zürich
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich


Monika Maag
Pain Nurse

Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Haus 33A
Rorschacher Strasse 95
9007 St.Gallen


SIG Pain Nurse Meeting | March 2024

Dienstag, 26. März 2024, KISPI Zürich und Online


  • Meeting on 26.3.24, 17:30 to 19:00


  • Theme: Profile of the Pain Nurse profession
  • Meeting on 14.03.2023
  • Meeting on 20.06.2023
  • Meeting on 26.09.2023
  • Meeting on 10.11.2023


  • Preparation for the founding event
  • Recruitment of members
  • Rough planning SIG Pain Nurse 2023

Here an up-to-date list of all SIG members can be viewed.

Annual Report 2023
Download as PDF

Founded in 2022

SPS Special Interest Groups