SPS Awards
To promote research in the field of pain, the SPS awards the following prizes every year:
- SPS Poster Prize | Clinical studies
- SPS Poster Award | Studies in Basic Science areas
- Elective «Pain» | Best Patient Presentation
SPS Head of Department Further Education and Training
Dr. med. Maximilien Jung
is, together with the SPS committee, responsible for the awarding of the SPS prizes.
Please contact us if you have any questions: info(a)swisspainsociety.ch
Regulations for the SPS Poster Award
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SPS Poster Awards
Every poster presented at the SPS annual congress automatically qualifies for this award.
The „Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2024 in Aarau was given to Manon Isler, Guylène Kirschmann, Paul Chu Sin Chung, Ezgi Gozlugol, Isabelle Decosterd and Marc René Suter on the topic «A combined activity of peripheral nociceptive and non-nociceptive fibers is required to trigger microglial reactivity in the spinal cord and sustained pain»»
The „Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2023 in Lausanne was given to Manon Isler, Guylène Kirschmann, Paul Chu Sin Chung, Ezgi Gozlugol, Isabelle Decosterd and Marc René Suter on the topic «Non-nociceptive neuronal activity is necessary to induce spinal microglial reactivity and chronic pain»
The „Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2022 in Bern was given to Dr. Susanne Schwarz, Nicole Graf, Dr. Anne-Katrin Hickmann und Dr. Alexander Ott on the topic «The influece of pain chronicity on vagally mediated heart rate variability (HRV)»
The „1. Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2021 in Lausanne was given to E.A. Konnova, A.F. Deftu, G. Kirschmann, Marc Suter, I. Decosterd on the topic «Excitability of Injured and Non-Injured Neurons after Spared Nerve Injury.»
The „2. Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2021 in Lausanne was given to Rahim Lalji on the topic „Association between the Buffalo concussion treadmill test and days to recovery: a retrospective cohort study of 855 adolescents with sport-related concussion“
The „1. Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2020 in Bern was given to L Sirucek, R Price, W Gandhi, M Hoeppli, E Fahey, A Qu, S Becker and P Schweinhardt on the topic „The role of endogenous opioids in mediating the pleasant feeling of pain relief in humans“
The „2. Best Poster-Award“ at the Annual Congress 2020 in Bern was given to D. Knechtle, S. Stefan, M. Suter, P. Schweinhardt and M. Meier on the topic „Fear avoidance beliefs limit lumbar spine flexion during object lifting in pain-free adults – A protective strategy with negative consequences?“
The «Clinical Poster Award» at the Annual Congress 2019 in Basel was given to Tobias Schneider and his team on the topic «Pain Response to Open Label Placebo in Induced Acute Pain in Healthy Adult Males»
The «Clinical Poster Award» at the 2018 Annual Congress in Biel/Bienne was presented, with the support of Sanofi, to A. Matthey, Y. Daali, J. Desmeules und M. Besson für «Effects of the gabaa agonist n-desmethylclobazam on central sensitization in healthy volunteers: preliminary results»
Elective «Pain»
Each semester, a group of students from the University of Zurich participating in the elective Pain receives a SPS award for the best tutorial presentation
The picture shows the winning group of 2024 with our SPS member:
- Dr. med. Daniel Friis, DESAIC, eMBA, leader of the group (left)
- Dr. med. dr. med. dent. Nenad Lukic, head of the pain management program (right)
Many thanks to Dr. Friis for his kind support.
The picture shows the winning group from 2023 with our SPS member:
- Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Nenad Lukic, Leiter des Mantelstudiums Schmerz
(far left)
A big thank you to Drs. Sutter and Gantenbein for their kind support.
The picture shows the winning group from 2022 with our SPS member:
- Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Nenad Lukic, Head of the Elective «Pain»
(far right) - Prof. Dr. med. Eli Alon, tutor of the Elective «Pain»
The picture shows the winning group from 2021 with our SPS member:
- PD Dr. Dominik Ettlin, Head of the Elective «Pain»
(left, in white coat)
The picture shows the winning group from 2020 with our SPS member:
- Prof.Eli Alon, tutor in the Elective «Pain»
(3. from the right)
The picture shows the winning group from 2019 with our SPS member:
- PD Dr. Dominik Ettlin, Head of the Elective «Pain»
(left, in white coat)
The picture shows the winning group of 2018 with our two SPS members:
- PD Dr. Dominik Ettlin, Head of the Elective «Pain»
(middle, in the white coat) - Prof.Eli Alon, tutor in the Elective «Pain»
(on the very left)