Association for those affected

In our society, self-help and self-organization are among the traditional ways of coping with illness, disability and psychosocial problems. In community self-help, people with the same problems join together outside their families to help each other. Self-help groups for pain patients aim, among other things, to help them cope with the physical, psychological and social problems associated with their illness.

On this page we would like to link you to various non-profit health organizations in Switzerland.

Here you will find suitable offers of community self-help.

Here you will find many answers to your questions about migraine and headache.
Thanks to active participation in international organizations and cooperation with national universities, professional organizations and headache experts, the organization is able to present you the latest research results.

The Cancer League advises, supports and informs people with cancer and their relatives. It is specifically committed to the prevention and early detection of cancer and promotes independent cancer research.

The Rheumatism League Switzerland is a non-profit health organization committed to two million rheumatism sufferers throughout Switzerland.

As a non-profit organization, the organization supports women with endometriosis and adenomyosis on their journey before, during and after diagnosis. Under the umbrella organization Endo-Help, there are various self-help groups where those affected can exchange information. They work closely with endometriosis centers throughout Switzerland and are actively involved in raising awareness of the disease.

This platform is from a group of CRPS patients, their relatives and friends, who have made it their task to make CRPS better known in Switzerland. Here you can find information about the disease CRPS. Furthermore, it is a contact point for affected persons, their relatives and friends.