SIG Integrative Pain Management


In Switzerland, there is a widespread use of complementary approaches for pain management, with at least 25% of patients making this choice, but very often, the treating physician is not informed. Scientific interest and research in complementary medicine is growing, and robust evidence for selected approaches is building and treatments such as acupuncture and hypnosis get recommended in practice guidelines. Nevertheless, there is still a deficit of knowledge and education on complementary approaches in conventional pain medicine.

Integrative medicine was founded in the late years of the 20th century in the USA. This approach, combining evidence based complementary medicine treatments and conventional treatments instead of opposing them, can be applied. Integrative pain management relies on funding principles, including choosing treatments both from complementary and conventional medicine as long as they are relying on evidence, and prioritizing therapeutic interventions that are the least invasive and costly for equal benefits. Hence, integrative pain medicine aims to enhance a pain management plan through a broader perspective. (Zurron N, Berna CH, Antalgie intégrative : une vision holistique du patient souffrant de douleurs chroniques. Rev Med Suisse 2019; volume 15. 1259-1265)

The major aim of the Integrative pain management SIG is to stimulate scientific exchanges on this topic, in the context of optimal pain management. It wishes to inform and discuss about validated complementary and conventional approaches used by patients and practitioners and favor shared decision-making.

Dr. med. Noëmi Zurron
FMH Anesthésiologie

Centre de Médecine intégrative et complémentaire
Centre d’Antalgie
CHUV | Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois
Rue du Bugnon 46,
1011 Lausanne


Suggestion of conference speaker or/and workshop/symposium related to integrative pain management, for the SPS Annual Congress.
The SIG aims to develop a network of practitioners and scientists in the field of pain management working with or investigating integrative medicine and is open for medical and non-medical pain specialists interested in topics of integrative and complementary medicine.

Here an up-to-date list of all SIG members can be viewed.

Annual report 2023
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Annual report 2022
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Annual report 2021
(no PDF available)

Annual report 2020
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Annual report 2019
(no PDF available)

Founded in 2019


SPS Special Interest Groups