Pain in Europe XII


Wednesday, 27. April 2022 – Saturday, 30. April 2022


27 – 30 April 2022


Dublin, Ireland


The 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation, Pain in Europe XII, will take place in Dublin, Ireland, from 29 September to 2 October 2021. This major biennial gathering brings together the most recognised experts in the field of pain medicine to exchange knowledge, ideas and the latest advances in the field. Our congresses give access to leading lecturers and a scientific programme consisting of the latest evidence-based and best-practice-based medicine in all relevant disciplines in the field of pain management.

Due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19, #EFIC2022 will be held as a hybrid meeting, offering delegates both onsite face-to-face sessions and online sessions allowing everyone to join from wherever they are. Workshops provide an ideal forum for a linked series of reviews or data presentation with ample time for discussion.

For more information visit the website:

Recognition of the SPS:

SPS awards for this event ?? credit points for the preservation of the title “SPS pain specialist”