SIG Prevention

The SIG Prevention aims to raise awareness of the prevention of ‘chronic pain as a disease in its own right’ and to put the biopsychosocial model of prevention into practice.

The SIG currently meets once a year in Bern.

Current activities:

  • Coordination of the nationwide implementation of a screening questionnaire for psychosocial risk factors
  • Support for a web platform for the prevention of chronic pain via the PrePaC project
  • Examination of the extent to which the PrePaC project can be used to establish links with other organisations on the topic of chronic pain prevention (SAPPM, SSIPM, SAMM).
  • Definition of the cooperation between PrePaC and SPS (e.g. continuation of the internet platform, possible integration of PrePaC into SIG after the end of the project)

Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Streitberger
FMH Anaesthesiology
Leading physician

Thunstr. 108
3006 Bern


Fraefel Stephanie
Social worker BSc, project manager of the PrePaC network

Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern
Universitätsklinik für Anästhesiologie und Schmerzmedizin
Freiburgstrasse 18
3010 Bern



06.03.2025 | SIG-Meeting,  Time: 16:00-17:30, Location: Bern, Inselspital, Bettenhochaus, Stock D, Raum OPO-D127 or online

21.-23.5.2025 | SGAIM Frühjahrskongress Basel, represent PrePaC

17.09.2025 | PrePaC network meeting in Bern

A current list of all SIG members can be viewed here in PDF form.

Foundation 2024